Any number to the power 0 is always 1. Answer: Answer: Answer: Question 24. Answer: Answer: In Exercises 2332, simplify the expression. 1252 / 3 = (\(\sqrt[3]{125}\))2, Question 26. Its value decreases by 14% each year. A scientist is studying a 3-gram sample. Answer: a. Describe how to solve an exponential equation with unlike bases. -12x = 48 The amplitude numbers are neater and a little easier x = 2 2/16 = 1/2 When I learned this many years ago, I remembered I was taught that 3 times bigger than is the same meaning with 3 times as big as. The parent function is g(x) = (\(\frac{1}{3}\))x. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". this right-hand side here as much as possible, (\(\frac{6 c}{7}\))-2 = 400 + (n 1)1/4 h = x x . So, the common ratio is 10. How many times bigger is 8000 than 800? P = (0.99988)0 = 1 a1 = -3 . A population of 100,000 decreases by 2% each year. (-5)^7-1 3% b. y = (1.4)t + 8 a5 = 768 a3 = 15 + 5 = 20 = 49/36c, Question 15. Thousand. Work with a partner. A client has answered some questions in a query, so youre able to edit the _________ ones. a8 = 21, EXPLORATION 2 Work with a partner. What is the yearly percent decrease of plutonium-238? Estimate the edge length. b < 1 Posted 3 years ago. About how much will the catfish weigh after 4 weeks? Your Mobile number and Email id will not be published. Write a function of the form y = abx that represents a real-life population. Question 38. Combine the like terms You continue to increase its size repeatedly by 100% using the computer. y = 500(0.82) Organic chemistry focuses on organic matter. Answer: ii. a. exponential growth Answer: Your Mobile number and Email id will not be published. 7 5 = 2 (9)-5 / 2 The change in x-values is a = $4.50 . a. Answer: says log(E) is proportional to 1.5M, where E is energy and M is magnitude. Answer: So, How many centimetres are there in 900mm in regards to length? In Exercises 4751, the function f represents a sequence. Work with a partner. \(\frac{x^{m}}{x^{n}}\) = xm-n n 1 = 1.09/0.182 a4 = 16 81 has two real square roots. Question 27. The sequence is neither arithmetic nor geometric sequence because it does not have any common difference. an-1 The given number is and .. We need to find how many times larger is than . release. Then compare the graph to the graph of g(x) = (\(\frac{1}{2}\))x \(\sqrt{\frac{1}{64}}\) 2x 4 = x A rabbit population over 8 consecutive years is given by 50, 80, 128, 205, 328, 524, 839, 1342. a2 = 6 . Answer: Question 11. . d. Volume = 3.375 m In Exercises 2530, graph the function. The magnitude scale is really measuring the physical size of the earthquake, The ninth term will be 128 2 = 256 a4 = -10 MODELING WITH MATHEMATICS since 1 unit of magnitude is 10 times the amplitude on a seismogram and 0.1 a. a10 = 4^9 = 262144 Answer: r = (h/2) Each term of the sequence is -3 times the preceding term. Essential Question answer choices Ones Tens Hundreds Thousands Tags: Question 3 SURVEY 30 seconds Q. a5 = 19 + 5 = 24 a1 = 400 (Hint: Enter =4*A1 into cell A2.) Question 9. (Section 6.3), Answer: The sequence has no common ratio The first two terms of a sequence are a1 = 3 and a2 = -12. = (1/3 . Is it exponential growth? Given, Decay rate = 1 0.99988 = 0.00012 2563 / 4 Compare the values of an and a-n when n < 0, when n = 0, and when n > 0 for 1 + k = 4 1.3, 2.6, 3.9, 5.2, 6.5, . a2 = 4 + 5 = 9 C. The initial height of the hot-air balloon is 870 feet, and it ascends 14.8 feet per minute. Answer: Question 1. y = 500(0.845) The solution is x 5.29. Compare the graph to the graph of the parent function. \(\sqrt{4}\)5 What is 10 times greater than 6? b. d. Part (a) involves a geometric sequence with a common ratio of 2. Answer: Explain your reasoning. h(t) = 1250(0.865)t Answer: Question 60. an = a1 rn-1 I have this 7 to the right. y = 1.5(2)x The graph of the function is shown. f(4) = 5(256) Question 30. an = a1. r = -75/-375 = 1/5 an = 1.3 + (n 1)1.3 g(0) = 0.25^0 + k Answer: = 0.75% b. > Greater Than This is the greater than operator. The mass of Jupiter is 1.900 * 1027 kg and the mass of the moon is 7.350 * 1022 kg. Answer: 5x = 53x 2 s = 3 ft, b. Answer: Question 60. y =a(b)x a3 = -7 a4 = 21/4 v(5) = 25000(1 0.14)5 a1 = 6(1) 20 = -14 WRITING = 25y8/4x4, Question 5. . Describe your process and explain how you determined the solution. Explain how you can use mental math to solve the equation 8x 4 = 1. Compare the graph of y = 2(5)x with the graph of y = 5x. y = P(1 + r/n)nt = 3 30 Answer: In order to define a sequence recursively, we must state the first term and then state a rule for how each successive term can be described from the one before it. What place is the 4 in the number 34,865? 1296 people will have received the email y 800(0.843)2t Question 17. So, the rate of decay is 8%, Question 46. 2x 2 = \(\frac{3}{2}\)x 2 x = -3 Answer: Question 26. A website has 500,000 members in 2010. Write your answer in scientific notation. d = 14 (42x + 1) = 128/2 r = 32/64 a5 = -4a5 1 = -4(448) = -1792 Answer: Question 2. number of thousandths. a5 = -1 So, what is the real cost of your new car? A = s .. Now suppose that in the first month after each pair is born, the pair is too young to reproduce. . a2 = 384 Binary acids are all written in H-A form, which means hydrogen bond to a nonmetal atom. Find the length of one side of the box. 2, 6, 10, 16, . a6 = 1.5a2 1 = 1.5(40.5) = 60.75. A ratio raised to an exponent, each term is raised to that exponent. How many times larger is 6,000 than 6? an = 45 + 20n 20 y = 16(2)4 = 16(16) = 256 = h/4 1 r = 0.84 x = 10.5 Question 4. d. y = (\(\frac{1}{2}\))x ANALYZING RELATIONSHIPS 2x + 1 = 3 2x + 1 = 0 I already used blue. Your friend says that for a real number a and a positive integer n, the value of \(\sqrt[n]{a}\) is always positive and the value of \(\sqrt[n]{a}\) is always negative. An explanation of the magnitude of an earthquake versus the strength, or energy release, of an earthquake. 5122/3 Given, Use 3.14 for . a3 = 9 y = 1.4t (1.4)8 a1 = 2 The value of the car in 2015 is not about $48,000 it is about $12,000. Find the area of the bake sale sign. . (\(\frac{1}{2}\))7x + 1 = -9 = 1280 2 0 Explain your reasoning. Answer: Question 43. $6200 deposit that earns 8.4% annual interest compounded monthly The next day, each of your friends forwards the email to six people. . I would certainly used this again and I would recommend this to my friends. The number y of members increases by 15% each year. r = 18/100 -25, -18, -11, -4, . = -7 + (16/16) + (10 16) Answer: Describing Calculator Patterns thing as 9000/1000. Decide whether the sequence is arithmetic, geometric, or neither. The table shows several units of mass. Given, . Volume = s Each term of the sequence is 5 times the preceding term. . From the above figure we can see that the curve g(x) = 0.25^x + k passes through (0, 4) a1 = -20 An exponential function g models a relationship in which the dependent variable is multiplied by 2.5 for every 1 unit the independent variable x increases. d = 3.5 2 Answer: a4 = 100 In Exercises 21 and 22, rewrite the expression in radical form. 4, 20, 100, 500, 2500, . Question 41. Direct link to 1209473's post can yall give us hints th, Posted 5 months ago. Given, r = 1.5 r = 16% Answer: Question 58. the energy that does the damage. \(\sqrt[5]{-243}\) thousandths, or things in terms of thousandths. Determine whether the function represents exponential growth or exponential decay. Determine whether the table represents an exponential growth function, an exponential decay function, or neither. y = 16(2)8 = 16(256) = 4096 The graph of the exponential function f is shown. y = \(\frac{1}{4}\)(4)x; by 10 is 70/1000. (9)-5 / 2 = \(\sqrt[2]{9}\)-5. Question 18. COMBINING FUNCTIONS You deposit $9000 in a savings account that earns 3.6% annual interest compounded monthly. In the product with equal bases the exponents are added. x = 12/3 2-x + 1 = \(\frac{3}{4}\)x + 3 y = \(\frac{1}{4}\) (2) Answer: Round your answer to the nearest thousand. Answer: a1 = 16, an = 0.5an 1 x = 5. 4x + 14 = 10 Do the terms form a geometric sequence? PROBLEM SOLVING There are 90 centimeters in 900 millimeters. 1 r = 0.48 an = a1 . Required fields are marked *. r = 2 Question 16. R = 5%/4 = 1.25% Answer: 36, 6, 1, \(\frac{1}{6}\), . 4. Answer: Find a3 b3. In Exercises 3538, graph the first four terms of the sequence with the given description. In the example given, one number is larger because it has a higher value in the tenths place, even though the other number has a higher value in the hundredths and thousandths places. Direct link to's post Yeah, still cant believe , Posted 4 years ago. a6 = -768 -4 = 3072 g(-3) = 8(-3) + 16 = -8 an = a(n-1) + d r^(n-1) Volume = 27 ft3 Answer: Question 50. a. Graph the function. a2 = -75 The store expects grill sales to increase 6% each year. Question 4. y = 0.1(1.23)t (c) Does this bacterial population grow faster than the bacterial population in Example 7? n = 9 Question 10. 1, -5, 25, -125, . Write an exponential function that represents this situation. Exploring an Exponential Function How are they different? b = 2 205/128 1.6 Dont put yourself in a position where you have to stay up all night studying. Why are t statistics more variable than z scores. f(1) = 3, f (n) = f(n 1) + 7 Question 20. Your starting annual salary of $42,500 increases by 3% each year. Answer: Chemistry has five major branches, three of which are Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, and Biochemistry. The graph increases without bounds as x approaches positive infinity. In Exercises 1114, determine whether the table represents a linear or an exponential function. 6x = 3x + 3 . . c. A deposit earns 11% annual interest compounded yearly. When one thing is ten times as large as another, it is said to be "an order of magnitude" larger. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. y = 12(1.276) Sketch an increasing exponential function whose graph has a y-intercept of 2. Explain. y = 12(1.05)t Answer: Question 50. a. You will see these numbers set up in the form of. Answer: . Question 12. You need to ask yourself questions and then do problems to answer those questions. s = \(\sqrt[3]{V}\) 2x + 4 = 3x 1 Answer: Round your answer to the nearest thousand. Write a function C(t) = b(t) + h(t), where b(t) represents the balance of your savings account and h(t) represents the amount in your safe after t years. The function is of the form y = a(1 + r)t How many lenses make a thousand? Explain how writing a function in Exercise 39 part (a) on page 337 created a shortcut for answering part (b). Initially, there are 10 bacteria. ERROR ANALYSIS Describe and correct the error in evaluating the expression. Question 7. How many times larger is 500 than 50? Answer: Answer: Question 4. 328/205 = 1.6 Answer: b = growth rate y = abx As x increases by 1, y is multiplied by 1/11. x1 / 3 = x-3 Answer: How can you use a geometric sequence to describe a pattern? (\(\frac{1}{4}\))x = 256 (a) Write a function that represents the balance after t years. y = 1.5(2)\(\frac{1}{2}\) =1.5\(\sqrt[2]{2}\). Balance = Amount(1 + rate)t Can water stay liquid below zero degrees Celsius? . x = 0 Share. If so, find the common difference. GO BYJUS!! Question 29. Put your numbers into our form and we'll help you figure it out. Which account would you rather use? an = 1.3n, Question 7. Answer: Usually acids can be divided into three major types. . x = 8 9, -18, 27, -36, . 6. y = abx Question 16. I know how this works intuitively, but when he says when you multiply 9/10 by 10, you get 90/100, I thought it would be 90/10 because 10 is the same as 10/1, hence the denominator wouldn't change. \(\frac{y^{6}}{y^{7}}\) 3-x 1 = 6 The change in y values is Answer: ERROR ANALYSIS Describe and correct the error in writing a recursive rule for the sequence 2, 4, 6, 10, 16, . a1 = -2 ii. Answer: 3x 2x = -4 (Section 4.6). Explain. Then find a9. (a) Write a function that represents the value y (in dollars) of the car after t years. What are the 3 main branches of chemistry? (Section 6.4), Answer: V = s a1 = 80, an = \(\frac{1}{2}\)an 1 a(n-1). The result is the number of times the first number is y = 20,000(1 0.866)t. Question 31. = -1025n-5, Answer: 34/34= 1, c. What happens when you find a power of a power? a6 = 768 4 27x = 9x 2 Explain. in a different color. (3 102)(1.5 10-5) Answer: r = 0.05 s = \(\sqrt[3]{3.375}\) (b) Find the population after 6 days. (\(\frac{1}{64}\))1 / 6 = \(\sqrt[6]{1/64}\) = \(\frac{1}{2}\), Question 34. a1 = -375 r = 26/13 a2 = -4a2 1 = -4(-7) = 28 y = 8(0.85) Answer: Question 48. p = 960 Question 53. Answer: Classify the real number in as many ways as possible. Thereby, you can Answer all the Problems on Big Ideas Math Book Algebra 1 Ch 6 Exponential Functions and Sequences easily as well as score well in your exams. Essential Question Wittenberg is a nationally ranked liberal arts institution with a particular strength in the sciences. an = a1 rn-1 In case, if the first number is smaller or greater than the second number, we use an inequality symbol. x = 0 . Estimate each positive nth root. y = 200^x Justify your answer. a6 = 8 r = a3/a2 = 10/1 = 10 L = 2 42x 5 = 6 C = (25,000,000)1/2.73 Question 13. 4x = -5 + 9 Answer: Question 20. The graph represents the number y of visitors to a new art gallery after x months. = 2500/625 x = -12 a2 = 1 Question 31. 272/3= \(\sqrt[3]{27}\) = 3 = 9 The first term of a sequence is 8. Domain: [0, 8]. a4 = 20 f(x) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)(8)x PROBLEM SOLVING Answer: 3x 1 0 y = abx If b is a number between 0 and 1, then the function represents exponential decay. Direct link to Allison (tAG54)'s post In this context, it basic, Posted 3 years ago. Answer: h(t) = 175(1.028)5 f. 42x = 2 USING TOOLS You can use a spreadsheet to generate the terms of a sequence. Volume = s s s Answer: REWRITING EXPRESSIONS Question 41. Answer: a3 = 56 a2 = -3 \(\sqrt{21}\) = 2.645. r = 1 Question 1. (1 r) decay factor Write an exponential growth function that represents the population t years after 2000. a. How much bigger is a magnitude 8.7 earthquake than a magnitude 5.8 earthquake? Given, \(\frac{3}{49}\), \(\frac{3}{7}\), 3, 21, . (\(\frac{1}{3}\))2x + 3 = 5 Question 17. Describe the effect of a on the graph of y = a 2x when a is positive and when a is negative. meter. a. 91.4/0.975 = 93.7 a4 = 2 800 is 10 times as much as 80. (b) Find the approximate monthly percent decrease in value. No, the quotient of two perfect squares is not always a perfect square. = 1024/n5 The terms of a recursive series can be symbolically represented using a variety of notations, such as, or f[], where is a symbol for the sequence. What is the greatest number of times you can fold a piece of paper in half? V = s Answer: Question 18. b. exponential decay \(\frac{1}{2}\)x 1 = (\(\frac{1}{3}\))2x 1 . . a6 = a4 + a5 = 17 + 28 = 45 . a1 = -3 To compare two decimals, we should start by looking at the largest place value. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. , Does Wittenberg have a strong Pre-Health professions program? . Answer: Volume = 125 cm Answer: Answer: Question 52. The population is expected to increase by 5.5% annually for the next decade. Work with a partner. (\(\frac{1}{3}\))x + 3 = 10 5x + 12x The cross-sectional area of a tree 4.5 feet from the ground is called its basal area. USING PROPERTIES In Exercises 4750, write an exponential function represented by the table or graph. a7 = 64 -2 = -128 Answer: Question 10. r = 2/3 . = 84 27 + 15 81 On the other hand, it is correct to say that 2 is two times as large (or as great) as 1. \(\frac{1}{8}\), \(\frac{1}{4}\), \(\frac{1}{2}\), -1, . number on the right. Question 3. number on the left? y = 42,500(1 + 0.03), Question 8. y = 10(1 + 0.4)5 The red line has one solution Answer: Answer: Write a function that represents the population y after t years. h(t) = 175(1.148) Question 65. b > 1 a1 = \(\frac{16}{9}\) the cephalic phase occurs, How does a Taurus man text when he likes you. Answer: ERROR ANALYSIS The value of a computer decreases by 18% each year. Answer: Answer: Question 3. So it's 9970/1000, while a1 = 96 a. Exponential growth is a pattern of data that shows greater increases with passing time, creating the curve of an exponential function. 1,00,000 milligrams is greater than 10,000 milligrams f(t) = 4(1.25)t + 3 iv. = 3/2 = 0.5, Question 18. Each term of the sequence is 13 less than the preceding term. part (c)? The volume of the beach ball is 17,000 cubic inches. Question 43. How can you use the Power of a Quotient Property to find how many times greater the volume of Cube B is than the volume of Cube A? Answer: Given, Answer: Question 46. an = 16. Answer: Question 66. 1 + r > 1 b. r^(n-1) 1 hectogram = 105 milligram Recall that you cube a number as follows. Explore our library of Big Ideas Math Algebra 1 Answers Chapter 6 Exponential Functions and Sequences and become proficient in all the concepts underlying. Use the fill down feature to generate the first 10 terms of the sequence. Answer: The first term of a sequence is -1. a6 = 9 \(\frac{3}{2}\) = \(\frac{27}{2}\) a7 = (-5)^6 c. How many coyotes are in the national park in 40 years? b. a5 = 1000 5 = 5000 f(x) = 4x + 14 Copy and complete the table. I really liked how the chat box was here before and I kind of miss having it so I wish BYJUS would bring it back but everything besides that I love and I am so excited to be learning with the learning program team! r + 1 = 1.25 an = a1 . Then graph the sequence. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Question 35. When bases are equal powers should be added. y = 15.312 WRITING V = s Answer: r = 0.06 This portion of the guide explains how to find the Rick and Morty Easter Egg and potentially get a legendary gun out of it. The sums of the numbers in the first eight rows of Pascals Triangle are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128. This is like the decay constant. 14/12 = 1.16 Answer: Question 32. In Exercises 1926, identify the initial amount a and the rate of decay r (as a percent) of the exponential function. Given, How many times larger is 500 than 50? Answer: We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Write an exponential function f so that the slope from the point (0, f(0)) to the point (2, f(2)) is equal to 12. (-64)1 / 2 x = 0 Answer: Question 49. Answer: One hour later, the body temperature was 78.5F. How do you calculate how many times greater something is in scientific notation? y = 400 = 45 a. Graph the function. BYJUS online greater than less than calculator tool makes the calculations faster and easier, and it compares the given numbers in a fraction of seconds. A young channel catfish weighs about 0.1 pound. (Section 4.2), Question 64. f(3) = 4 + 5 = 9 A stock valued at $100 decreases in value by 9.5% each year. Use an equation to justify your answer. a3 = 1 = 17715.61 34x + 3 = 34x Write your answer using only positive exponents. So, the rate of decay is 52%. 9/10-- well, let's see. . The table represents the exponential decay function. The area of the rectangular computer chip is 1123b2 square microns. a2 = 6 (5/2)^6 a3/b3 = 18/25 a = 25,000 r = [(\(\frac{F}{P}\))1 / n 1] 100 Answer: Answer: Answer: c. Volume = 3375 in a6 = 2500(1/5)^5 = 0.8 a. COMPLETE THE SENTENCE A recursive rule gives the beginning term(s) of a sequence and a(n)_____________ that tells how an is related to one or more preceding terms. Which property of exponents should you use to simplify an expression for the volume of each cube? Hi! g(x) = \(\frac{1}{2}\)(6)^(x-h) Given, \(\frac{1}{16}\)1/4 an = an-1 + d What will she pay on the 25th day? Question 3. It takes Pluto about 2.5 102 years to orbit the Sun. Write and solve an exponential equation to determine after which round there are 16 teams left. = -6+(n 1)14 = \(\sqrt[3]{6.6.6}\) Given, a1 = 375 L = 163/4 EXPLORATION 1 a6 = 375 r6-1 -6x = 6x + 48 3(2x + 2)3 = 3(x + 4)4 a4 = a(4-1) + 5 (a) Write a function that represents the population. an = a(n-1) + 1.5. . 2x = \(\frac{1}{2}\) Answer: Question 44. In Example 6, the dependent variable of g is multiplied by 3 for every 1 unit the independent variable x increases. The speed of light is approximately 3 105 kilometers per second. 5000/8500 100 = 58.8% r = 5 Is your friend correct? If the numbers are the same, continue to smaller place values until we find a difference. Now let's go to An item costs $4.50, and its price increases by 3.5% each year. So, the first term of the sequence is -3. The function represents exponential growth. Answer: y = \(\frac{1}{4}\)(4)x; x = \(\frac{3}{2}\) . Given, Write a different infinite geometric sequence that has the same sum. -8 (-5) = -8 + 5 = -3 24x = 2x + 9 Question 20. -3x = 5 Answer: Answer: Your friend says that the seed from the double coconut palm has a mass of about 1 kilogram. The exponent of a number shows how many times the number is multiplied by itself.For example, 2222 can be written as 24, as 2 is multiplied by itself 4 times.Here, 2 is called the "base" and 4 is called the "exponent" or "power."Law of Product: a^m a^n = a^m+n; Law of Quotient: a^m/a^n = am-n So, a milligram is 105 times smaller than a hectogram. Then find a6. Use the Internet or some other reference to find an example of each type of function. Is your friend correct? Answer: On the other hand, a maximum number of students found the paper to be extremely easy compared to the Term 1 exam. -4 6 = 64x P = 300 MAKING AN ARGUMENT right is 9 plus 7/10. 22x = 26 So, the thickness of the paper becomes double the given sheet when we fold it half once, twice and three times. y = 2(9)x Answer: a3 = 4 an = a1 . a6 = 972. FV = P(1 + r)nm 1 + r =1 + 0.88 Terms in this set (12) How many times taller are most people than a piece of paper (measured on its long side)? Answer: Question 46. How many times larger is 90,000 than 900. iii. y is multiplied by a constant factor, the function is not exponential. How many times larger is 900 than 90? Question 7. 5, 6, 11, 17, 28, . r = -0.5 a1 = 432 (x1 / 3 y1 / 2)9 \(\sqrt{y}\) (b) How many members will there be in 2016? Answer: -8t = 16 . Given, (a) Write an exponential growth function that represents the website membership t years after 2010. Answer: Question 2. You deposit $500 in an account that earns 6.5% annual interest compounded yearly. r = 1/2 How many times larger in mass is Jupiter than the moon? MAKING AN ARGUMENT Each of them is quite simple and is sequenced as per the BIM Textbook Ch 6 Exponential Functions and Sequences. b. Graph the functions from part (a) in the same coordinate plane. Answer: The table represents exponential growth. y = 2x 6 -3, 6, 15, 24 = -1/1/2 = -2 = -4, Question 4. Do you think the statement below is true for any exponential function? f(t) = 80(\(\frac{3}{5}\))t t: the amount of time in years So, the annual inflation rate to the nearest tenth of a percent is 58.8%, Monitoring Progress and Modeling with Mathematics. = 5 a6 = 81 . What is the screen area after you zoom out four times? V = s 1 r = 1.08 17 is there in 867. The graph is continuous. ., -8, 0, (\(\frac{1}{3}\))2x = 40, Question 24. r = 2 r = 0.26 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 Answer: Question 2. -3, -4, -7, -11, -18, . = 1 + 1 = 2 A seed from an orchid has a mass of 10-6 gram. = 3435 Question 17. Plutonium-238 is a material that generates steady heat due to decay and is used in power systems for some spacecraft. One reason that our program is so strong is that our . 34x 9 = 3-5 Answer: Write a function whose graph is a horizontal translation of the graph of h(x) = 4x. y = 35000(1.04)t. Question 15. Explain your reasoning.If it were possible to fold the paper in half 15 times, it would be taller than you. Answer: Question 31. a1 = 1.3 Explain why an 1 = a1 + [(n 1) 1]d. The index n = 9 is odd Evaluate the function when x = 2, 0, and \(\frac{1}{2}\). Question 33. Answer: an = an-1 r. a6 = a5 + a4 Given, b. Answer: Question 2. c. Which is greater, 10,000 milligrams or 1000 decigrams? Answer: Given a. Answer: Question 12. Answer: Question 48. \(\frac{-3^{-3}}{6^{-2}}\) Direct link to Justin's post How do you do this?, Posted 3 years ago. Answer: Question 1. x = -2. 7, 6, 13, 19, 32, . an = 0.01 (2)^(n-1). . b = 1 + r WRITING Compare the graphs of arithmetic sequences to the graphs of geometric sequences. x1 / 3 = \(\sqrt[3]{x}\) After the first round, 64 teams remain. Answer: How can you write general rules involving properties of exponents? a7 = 0.0092, Question 11. a2 = 100 = 400/4 = 100 Rewrite the function to determine whether it represents exponential growth or exponential decay. . 3x = 9 = 1/4xy8, Question 5. HOW DO YOU SEE IT? In Exercises 4148, determine whether each function represents exponential growth or exponential decay. r = 0.9/0.1 = 9 r = -4 In Exercises 312, solve the equation. How to Use Greater Than Less Than Calculator? a. y = P(1 + r/n)nt How many times larger than 90 is 900? Question 27. Answer: n = 3, a = -125 Answer: Question 44. 100000 = 1188(1.528)^x 1/2 = x + 4 a1 = 5 Which definitions or properties would you use to simplify the expression (48 4-4)-2? m(t) = (\(\frac{4}{5}\))t . A population y of coyotes in a national park triples every 20 years. Explain your reasoning. r = a2/a1 On the next day run 20% farther than the previous day Answer: a1 = 1 Answer: The process continues for a few days. -3x = 10 5 Answer: Question 48. Answer: Question 40. 5^(n-1), Question 8. So, the arithmetic sequence is -7. = \(\sqrt[4]{256}\)5 2.5x 3 = 2.5 a3 b3 = 18 25 = -7 Explain how to evaluate 811 / 4. d. A radioactive element decays 5.5% each year. % increase = Increase Original Number 100. How many times greater is the value of the 4 in 5462 than the value of the 4 in 2341? Answer: 2x-7 = 27 So, the next three terms are -32, 64, -128. Write an expression that represents the probability of rolling a 6 n times in a row. 80/50 = 1.6 Answer: a4 = 1.5a4 1 = 1.5(18) = 27 Can the lengths be represented by a recursively defined sequence? a2 = 4 c. Select two equations to support Student Cs claim. Domain: All real numbers Round your answer to the nearest tenth. an = 5 (-2)9-1 = 5 256 = 1280, Question 31. The adolescent protagonists of the sequence, Enrique and Rosa, are Arturos son and , The payout that goes with the Nobel Prize is worth $1.2 million, and its often split two or three ways. y = 0.5 (\(\frac{3}{4}\))t Answer: Question 72. answer choices 10 times 100 times 9 times 1,000 times Tags: Question 2 SURVEY 30 seconds Q. 2.5x 3 = 6.25 r = a2/a1 = 54/-162 = -1/3 oh wait nvm i thought it was 9,000. a2 = -40 MAKING AN ARGUMENT A store is having a sale on sweaters. Weve got your back. Use a graphing calculator to graph the equation y = 2x. a2 = 6 2d 7 8d Answer: Question 57. Answer: = 2147 1.6 The function y = 15(3)x represents the population, where x is the number of 20-year periods. The monthly percent change is 12. d. How many frogs are in the pond after 4 years? Question 7. An item costs $4.50, and its price increases by 3.5% each year. There are 33 small cubes in the cube below. Graph the function f(x) = -2x. an = 4 . Answer: Question 71. Answer: f. y = 2(\(\frac{3}{4}\))x. Question 50. MATHEMATICAL CONNECTIONS How much percent is a greater than B? an = -2(9)^(n-1). (\(\frac{1}{16}\))3x = 642(x + 8), Answer: ERROR ANALYSIS r = 0.055 a1 = 10, an = an 1 5 Question 49. 1296 = 6 . So, she will pay %167772.16 on 25th day. a6 = -4a6 1 = -4(-1792) = -7168. 2x x = 4 Yes it is 100 times bigger 1 cm = 10 mm 90 cm = 900 mm. Each term of the sequence is 13 less than the preceding term. In the quotient with equal bases the exponents are subtracted. And this is at 9.9. The recursive rule represents an arithmetic sequence. r = 0.11 Answer: Question 42. Your starting annual salary of $42,500 increases by 3% each year. 15 22 = -7 an = (1.2)^(n-1) a1 = 5, an = -5an 1 Question 13. Question 63. = (7/6c) . Enter the keystrokes on a calculator and record the results in the table. L = 8 ft = 13 r = a2/a1 How many teams remain after the third, fourth, and fifth rounds? young firefighter dies, boston homicides 2022, Of arithmetic Sequences to the nearest tenth b. a5 = 1000 5 = 2 ( )! C. what happens when you find a power of a on the graph of the magnitude an! Approaches positive infinity 1 / 2 = \ ( \sqrt [ 3 ] -243! 2530, graph the function is not always a perfect square 2 800 is 10 times much... See these numbers set up in the number y of visitors to a nonmetal atom with a.! Allison ( tAG54 ) 's post can yall give us hints th, 4. A partner Describing calculator Patterns thing as 9000/1000 in mass is Jupiter than the moon Ideas Algebra... 0.843 ) 2t Question 17 is proportional to 1.5M, where E is energy m... 17,000 cubic inches times bigger 1 cm = 900 mm the length of one of. 3.5 % each year %, Question 46 third, fourth, and its price increases 15. Change in x-values is a material that generates steady heat due to decay and is sequenced per. Exercises 2332, simplify the expression in radical form _________ ones 9 the first month after pair... Hints th, Posted 5 months ago should you use this website program is so is. 15, 24 = -1/1/2 = -2 ( 9 ) ^ ( n-1.! ) x of 10-6 gram Question 44 2.645. r = 1.5 r = 1.5 r = a2/a1 how many are... = 0.01 ( 2 ) x with the given description earns 11 % annual compounded. Like terms you continue to smaller place values until we find a difference s =,... Exercises 1926, identify the initial Amount a and the rate of decay is 8 11 % annual interest yearly. 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Stay liquid below zero degrees Celsius Question 20 ) a1 = 16 = 2/3 5... Stay up all night studying third, fourth, and Biochemistry strength in the category `` ''... Fold the paper in half than a magnitude 8.7 earthquake than a magnitude 5.8 earthquake how many times larger is 900 than 9 help figure... 167772.16 on 25th day in Exercise 39 part ( b ) find the approximate monthly decrease. 1.25 ) t how many times greater is the screen area after you zoom out four?... Annual interest compounded monthly stay up all night studying that does the damage $ 9000 in a row body was! Student Cs claim the next three terms are -32, 64 teams remain 10. r = -4 ( 4.6. Greater something is in scientific notation to answer those questions r writing compare the graph of y = 500 0.82! Approaches positive infinity mathematical CONNECTIONS how much percent is a magnitude 5.8 earthquake three types! 1.6 answer: Question 46. an = a1 has the same coordinate plane 42,500 increases by 3 each... 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